
We are now accepting applications for Passion Ventures Fellows. The application deadline is October 1, 2024. However, we will review applications on a rolling basis as time permits.

Application Process

  • Initial Application

    Submit an online application including your business plan.

  • Full Application

    If invited, submit a full application.

  • Interview

    If invited, meet with our selection committee.

How Fellows Are Chosen

How will the Selection Committee evaluate proposals?
The Committee is looking for:


Committed Christians motivated by their faith.


Proposals with clear, achievable goals for the one-year Passion Ventures Fellowship period.


Applicants with prior experience in the proposed focus area.


Projects located in the developing world.


Well-researched financial plans.


Clear metrics for success.


Realistic plans for sustaining the program after the Fellowship has elapsed.


Plan to publicize and gain buy-in for the proposed program


  • We want to fund and partner with Christians who are passionate about improving the lives of people in some of the world’s poorest countries. In the Christian tradition, “passion” means more than just an intense feeling; it describes Jesus’s unwavering commitment to love and serve the world, despite the costs to Himself.

    “Venture” means “a risky or daring journey or undertaking.” Since Passion Ventures Fellows will be in the early stages of starting their organizations, they will be bravely venturing out (and literally moving) to serve their intended communities.

  • Passion Ventures does not fund projects that are in the idea or pre-pilot phase. We do not fund new projects that are part of an established organization. We do not fund churches’ new ministry initiatives.

  • Fellows receive $20,000 to $50,000 of flexible funding for one year. Amounts depend on the organization’s operating costs and the Fellow’s cost of living locally. Each applicant will request a specific amount on the application, and if selected, we will set the final figure in consultation with each recipient. Funding is paid in three installments.

  • Passion Ventures Fellowships come with a great degree of flexibility so that Fellows can focus on their work. Funds cover both program and general operating costs, as well as living expenses.

  • The duration of a Passion Ventures Fellowship is one year. However, successful Fellows are welcome to re-apply for additional funding at the end of the year. We’d love to build a longer term partnership with outstanding Fellows!

  • To be considered, at least 25% of your funding must come from Passion Ventures. Additionally, you must disclose all outside funding in your application.

  • We believe in empowering Christians who are motivated by their faith to do good and redemptive work among the poor. The proposed work must aim to improve the lives of people. However, it does not need to be a Christian organization.