Application Process

Phase 1: Initial Application - Due October 1, 2024

Submit your business plan.

Phase 2: Full Application

Within six weeks, the Passion Ventures Selection Committee will review your initial application and determine whether to invite you to submit a full application. The Selection Committee may also request references from your colleagues, supervisors, advisors, and pastors. The full application contains the following questions:

Faith statement, outlining:

  • How does faith inform your life and work?

  • Your involvement in a local church

Mission statement, outlining:

  • What problem will you address and how?

  • Where is similar work being done (organizational/individual basis), and how will your project differ?

  • Your relevant skills and experience

  • Professional input on your project

  • Preliminary work or outreach you have done to test your project idea

  • How do you define success? How will this be measured?

  • If successful, how will you grow and scale over time? How will you achieve self- sustainability?

  • How will you publicize and promote your work?

Financial statement, outlining:

  • How much funding are you seeking for the coming year and why?

  • Do you have any other funding sources? If so, what are the organizations and amounts?

Phase 3: Interview

Upon evaluating your complete application and conducting reference checks, the Selection Committee will decide if they will invite you for one or more phone or in-person interviews. Throughout the process, the Selection Committee will always aim to invite local experts to assist us in reviewing your proposal and providing feedback during interviews.